
June 27, 1990
Jesus Christ

Jesus says: “You must understand that while I am standing at the front door of the Church of Atonement, Satan is at the side door tempting people to leave. He tries to discourage people by suggesting their sacrifices aren’t worthy, and by undermining belief in My messages and visions I have given you. I want you to stand at the side door, together with My Mother. Unite all your sacrifices in union with My Passion and the Seven Sorrows of My Mother’s Heart each morning, that the Church of Atonement be strengthened within to offset Satan’s attacks. I will give you the words to say.”

Prayer for Holy Love

“Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, accept all my sacrifices today in thought, word and deed, in union with Your Holy Passion and the Seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother’s Heart, for the strengthening of the Church of Atonement from within. Amen.”