“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Understand that this spiritual journey is traveled through willing surrender of free will. The more the soul surrenders, the deeper I carry him into My Heart. The soul accepts and creates his own obstacles on this spiritual journey. It may be a disordered love of the world, of his own opinion or his reputation. It most often is unforgiveness which springs from secretly judging others.”
“Such a one very often holds a check list in his heart of wrongs he convicts others of. This unforgiveness is very often the companion of self-righteousness. The soul sees himself as quite holy and perfect, but can enumerate the faults of others. This unforgiveness and judging closes the Door of My Heart. I cannot admit a soul who will not know himself – look into his own heart – and in humility correct his own faults. It is as though his spirit is a great balloon, but cannot fly into the heavens because it is tied down.”
“If My Heart is all Love and Mercy, you must imitate Me. Love one another as I love you. Forgive always, then I will carry your soul into the highest Heaven and the deepest Chamber of My Heart.”