
December 8, 1997
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady comes in white and holding the Infant Jesus. She says: “Praise be Jesus. My angel, I come to bring you peace.”

“To all of My children, I invite you to realize that there are many who celebrate My feast today, the day I was immaculately conceived, who still believe in abortion. There are priests amongst this group. If it is on one hand true that I was conceived without sin as Church Dogma dictates, then it must also be true that the soul is present at conception. This being fact as well as dogma, how can anyone argue for the destruction of life in the womb? The embryo is a living, vibrant, God-given life complete with soul. Suppose I Myself had been the victim of abortion? Imagine God's wrath. Today, My Heart cries out for each life that is destroyed. This is a greater sin than the Holocaust in Germany. It is more serious than any sin in Noah's day or in Sodom and Gomorrah.”

“You must continue to pray courageously that hearts are convicted and open to the Truth.”