
July 20, 1998
Nightly Examination of Conscience; Blessed Mother
Blessed Virgin Mary

From Blessed Mother

Nightly Examination of Conscience

* Did I return Love for Love? (God's love for me back to Him).

* Did I find fault with anyone in thought or word when it was not my duty to do so?

* Did I transgress another's rights according to any of the Commandments?

* Have I tried to be an example of Holy Love and Holy Humility in my daily life?

* Have I allowed Holy Love and Humility to lead me deeper into the virtues: simplicity, prudence, patience, fortitude, and perseverance?

* Am I living the message only on my lips (for others to see – superficially); or do I have the message in my heart, thus having a private relationship with Jesus through Mary?

* Did I use the world – people, places, and things – to promote the message of Holy Love?

* Have I allowed the element of time to manipulate me, or do I use time wisely for the glory of God?

* If I am Catholic, do I know the Church laws and obey them?

* Am I faithful to my state of life?

* If I am Catholic, did I make good use of the sacraments?

* Did I accept and embrace the crosses in my life as part of God's Will for me; or do I rebel against the cross, thus losing grace for souls?

* If I receive special graces in any form, did I broadcast it to others unnecessarily; or do I realize I am undeserving and thank God for it?