
July 4, 2012
Zechariah (Guardian Angel of the United States)

“I am Zechariah, the guardian angel of your country. Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, as your country celebrates the anniversary of its independence, I have come to solemnly point out how far from independence your country has come.”

“The Constitution, which was heavenly inspired, is being transgressed by those in power. The law is being twisted to support sin – even debauchery. Your President * is even taking command of freedom of conscience in regards to the promotion of abortion and birth control by those who do not believe in it.”

“The New World Order is being touted as desirable when, in Truth, it moves all people and all nations under a dictatorship. Do not be fooled.”

“As a nation, return to the ideals of your Founding Fathers, for herein lies the hope of true independence.”

* President Barack Hussein Obama II