“I have come to speak to you about prayer, and in particular the prayer of the Rosary. * I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. So many surrender to prayer without the sentiment of love in their hearts. This weakens the prayer, making it less worthy. Instead, bolster your prayers by recalling the love you have in your heart for Me and My Mother. This allows Me to pour the choicest graces upon you and into your life.”
“Prayer has a cumulative effect. I know ahead of time how many prayers will be offered for each petition. Therefore, you never know what just one more Hail Mary will bring. One Hail Mary said with a loving heart has the power to stop wars, bring nature into harmony with God's plan, convert an unbeliever, save a vocation, deliver a soul from purgatory, and change the future forever. Think, then, of the power of a whole Rosary said with love.”
“Satan knows that the Rosary is the weapon which will bring about his defeat. This is why he is desperate to discourage its use. Every time you recite a Hail Mary from the heart, the devil is weakened forever in some area and in some soul.”
“You must never be discouraged, then, in praying the Rosary. When your heart is most filled with distraction, understand the adversary is frightened of your prayers.”
“The Heart of My Mother is consoled by your efforts in prayer. She is most indebted to the ones who persevered in a regimen of prayer despite opposition. Make it known.”
* The purpose of the Rosary is to bring souls closer to Jesus Christ by deepening one’s knowledge and love of Him and to help keep in memory certain principal events in the history of our salvation. For the Holy Love Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary (1986 – 2008 Compiled) please see: https://www.holylove.org/rosary-meditations or the booklet Heaven Gives the World Meditations on the Most Holy Rosary available from Archangel Gabriel Enterprises Inc. For a helpful site that uses Scripture to pray the Mysteries of the Rosary please see: https://www.scripturalrosary.org/BeginningPrayers.html