Fourth Moral Standard of Truth
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today, I come to speak to you, once again, concerning the Moral Standards of Truth that the Remnant [Faithful] must follow. The next [Fourth Moral Standard of] Truth is: You must stand firm in the Truth between good and evil. Realizing the Truth that Satan does exist, supports the fact, that it is he who does not want you to distinguish between good and evil. He clouds the difference between good and evil with compromise.”
“Satan's lies make sin look like ‘freedom' and portrays evil as a legal right. All the while, he is enslaving the sinner in an evil web of deceit. The Truth of good is defined by Holy Love, which is the embrace of all of God's Commandments. Evil is defined in any departure from Holy Love.”
“Do not be persuaded along any path that leads away from God's Commandments – Holy Love. Do not attempt to redefine good as evil. Truth is always the Truth. Sin is always sin. You must accept that sin does exist and every soul sins.”
“The Holy Remnant [Faithful] must never be afraid of confronting evil and identifying it. Misplaced compassion for the sinner is often Satan's tool which placates the sinner and encourages the sin. This does not support the Truth.”
“Often, as a soul advances in holiness, he falls into the trap of self-righteousness. He may even take pride in his knowledge of satanic endeavors, thinking himself quite powerful against satanic activity. This is yet another ploy of evil. Remember, Holy Love and Holy Humility go hand in hand.”
“It is the humble soul who most easily discerns good from evil. Such a soul knows his own weaknesses and strengths*. He does not let his personal likes or dislikes influence his decisions of good versus evil.”
“Dear children, as part of the Holy Remnant [Faithful], be willing to help others discover the Truth between good and evil – not with sanctimony, but with Holy Love.”
* This is what self-knowledge entails.